Publishing your thesis

We do great work in our lab group, and we expect to have that work published during, or soon after your time in the lab group. Here are some checklists for getting your awesome work published. You can print this out, and check through it, or save a version on your computer.

Preparing for your submission

Revising your submission

"We thank the reviewer and editor for their thoughtful, careful, and constructive reviews. We address each of their comments in the document below, in which the original reviewer comments are in blue, sans serif font, and our responses to each comment are in black, serif font."

An example response to reviews document is here, that stemmed from reviews of Bartholomaus et al., 2015; you can use this as a template. The response to reviews should be written in “business formal letter” language, that is respectful, appreciative, and kind. As though you are applying for a job. Even nasty, hard-to-deal-with comments should be responded to with, “The reviewer raises an important and thoughtful point, and we thank the reviewer for their critique. In response to this point we have …”

Short responses to very short comments, like typos, can be effective after the formal tone has been established (i.e., “Done”).